International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Resolution No. 40
(adopted by the Working Party on Inland Water Transport on 16 October 1998)
according to ECE/TRANS/SC.3/147/Rev.3
Requirements for the international certificate for operators of pleasure craft
1. For the issue of an international certificate the applicant must:
(a) have reached the age of 16;
(b) be physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft, and in particular,
must have sufficient powers of vision and hearing;
(c) have successfully passed an examination to prove the necessary competence for pleasure craft operation.
2. The applicant has to prove in an examination:
(a) sufficient knowledge of the regulations concerning pleasure craft operation and nautical and technical knowledge required for safe navigation on inland waters and/or coastal waters; and
(b) the ability to apply this knowledge in practice.
3. This examination shall be held with regard to the zones of navigation (i.e. inland waters and/or coastal waters) and must include at least the following specific subjects:
3.1 Sufficient knowledge of the relevant regulations and nautical publications:
Traffic regulations applicable on inland waters, in particular CEVNI (European Code for Inland Waterways), and/or in coastal waters, in particular the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, including aids to navigation (marking and buoyage of waterways).
3.2 Ability to apply the nautical and technical knowledge in practice:
(a) general knowledge of craft, use and carriage of safety equipment and serviceability of the engine/sails;
(b) operating the craft and understanding the influence of wind, current, interaction and limited keel clearance;
(c) conduct during meeting and overtaking other vessels; (d) anchoring and mooring under all conditions;
(e) manoeuvring in locks and ports;
(f) general knowledge of weather conditions;
(g) general knowledge of navigation, in particular establishing a position
and deciding a safe course.
3.3 Conduct under special circumstances:
(a) principles of accident prevention (e.g. man over board manoeuvre);
(b) action in case of collisions, engine failure and running aground,
including the sealing of a leak, assistance in cases of emergency;
(c) use of lifesaving devices and equipment;
(d) fire prevention and fire fighting;
(e) avoiding water pollution.